I would like to offer every one of you a very MERRY CHRISTMAS and a healthy and prosperous new year.   Christmas brings us hope, peace, and a wish for a better new year.

Talaheim Lodge this early is booking clients like never before.  People can’t travel abroad and Alaska looks quite inviting as it’s almost abroad?   Traveling to Alaska and within the US is safe and by the summer of 2021 we should see us leaving this virus behind us.

With this said, why not book a trip to our Talaheim Lodge and put it under the Christmas tree for someone very special….son, wife, entire family.  We have openings for up to four throughout our season and one week wide open.

Talaheim Lodge is a small family run wilderness lodge catering to just eight people per week.  I built, own, and run our lodge now for over 40 years.  We offer comfortable and modern lodging and a real unique Alaskan fishing experience:  Helicopter fly outs to rivers and streams not accessible to standard aircraft or boats.  You will have your own stretch of water each day.

For more information, please give me a call or send an email

Merry Christmas,

Mark and Felicia Miller