Helicopter fly out fishing began in New Zealand and I, owner of Alaska’s Talaheim Lodge have called our helicopter fishing adventures, “Alaska fly outs New Zealand style”.

I started heli-fishing (helicopter fly outs) back in the late 80’s from our family run Talaheim Lodge in the western Susitna valley, in Alaska. At that time we took six anglers per week and I had purchased a small piston run helicopter. I experimented for a couple weeks offering my anglers just one to two days a week helicopter fly outs. I later and now own two small, more powerful Enstrom helicopters. We take eight people a week and offer five to six days of helicopter fly outs.

Targeted Remote Fishing Locations

Our helicopters allow access into smaller rivers and streams un-accessible to fixed wing aircraft. There are certain very popular places for fishing in Alaska and state regulations prohibit helicopter access in some of these areas. With numerous lodges, operating float planes in and out of these safe landing areas can get congested. Float planes and anglers crowd out many great fishing spots. Helicopters can land just about anywhere there is a 50 ft gravel bar with decent approaches. I operate and own Talaheim Lodge located in the western Susitna valley. This area is veined by large glacier rivers. Salmon run up these rivers to spawn in the freshwater tributaries where the rainbow trout, dolly varden char, and arctic grayling call home. Our resident predator fish get large feasting on salmon fry and roe.

I’ve been told by my anglers that the helicopter flights over the wilderness are worth the trip alone, not to mention the great fishing. Another angler mentioned to me that he’s been fishing with us for a week and his partner and he had not seen another angler during his entire stay.

Safety and Efficiency

Helicopters have their advantage of safely flying in weather situations that fixed wing aircraft can not operate in safely. Helicopters can land just about anywhere offering us at my lodge the opportunity of flying just short hops from home but being able to fish 100 miles of water. Our longest flights are only 15 minutes in length, our shortest ones are just a few minutes. The disadvantage of helicopters is if you are hauling lots of people, the larger turbine helicopters can run up to a million $$$ and more and they love fuel. If you are traveling long distances, helicopters are not practical. Like Heli-skiing, which offers trackless skiing in the wilderness, heli-fishing offers rivers and streams to the angler that wants to share his waters each day with only his angling buddy and guide.