While working as an architect in the Minneapolis area, a career Scott held for 33 years before becoming a fishing guide, Scott Thorpe would rip out magazine articles about fishing lodges and store them in a manilla envelope he referred to as “Plan B.”
Scott had been fishing ever since he was a kid in the Lake Superior tributaries, but had never been a fishing guide, nor had he been to Alaska. So when it came time to retire and pursue Plan B, Scott enlisted in a guide school in Montana then opened his manilla envelope, and there was Talaheim’s Sporting Classics magazine article.
He sent resumes to seven Alaskan lodges and after talking to Mark, settled on Talaheim. “It just seemed like he had the best program,” Scott said. “But then again, I have no other reference. Talaheim is the only Alaskan lodge I’ve ever worked at. I never saw a reason to leave.”
For 12 years, Scott was the head fishing guide at Talaheim during the summers and in the winters, he’d guide guests in the Lake Superior tributaries. But today, Scott had moved onto Plan C: Still fishing, but now the main person I guide is my wife.
Scott does, however, return to Talaheim for hosted trips. “It’s a hard place to get away from,” Scott said. “I remember my first day there, I was driving the boat down river and I turn the bend and there was the Alaska Range. I looked to the left, and there stood the Beluga Mountains. I thought – holy smokes, this is some office!”
Scott’s favorite part about guiding is the people. “The service industry can be tough, but when it comes to fish guiding, you’re working with people who are on vacation. Over the last 12 years I’ve guided 80-90 clients per year– that’s over 1,000 clients– and there’s only a handful of people I didn’t enjoy. What other career can you say that about?”