Nicolas Grochowski
Nick Grochowski began guiding by buying a small drift boat and taking anyone out with a pulse and even the slightest desire to fish. Once he felt like he had enough experience under his belt, and with the help of Bozeman, Montana’s fishing community, Nick started to reaching out to Alaskan lodges and that’s how he came across Talaheim.
My favorite part of guiding is seeing people have fun with the experience I fell in love with,” Nick says. “Fishing has been such an important part of my life, it’s cool to share that experience with others.”
His one guide tip for fishing at Talaheim: “Remember that all of our fly fishing skills are in constant evolution. Part of being at Talaheim is about spending 7 days enjoying the practice and process of it all.”
Throughout his childhood, Nick split his time between Bozeman and Paris. His favorite part of growing up in France was spending the weekends in the country, tinkering with WW2 Jeeps and other historical machinery. His favorite part of growing up in Montana was the outdoors.
Nick spends his winters ice fishing, and on warmer days hunting for deer, elk, and water fowl. He recently got a puppy, a husky malamute mix which he named Nuka, meaning “little sister,” and that Little Sister is keeping him real busy.
His favorite part about coming to Talaheim is the remoteness. “It’s ruined fishing in Montana for me. Everywhere else you’re competing with other lodges, or other guides. But at Talaheim you’re totally alone out there.”