Page - A Family Tradition
We’ve been blessed with a very large family. Not only do the Miller’s continue to own and operate Talaheim, the majority of our staff, much like our salmon, return year after year.
And so do our clientele.
It all started with one short ad placed in Field & Stream magazine in 1974. Henry and his son were the first to arrive at Talaheim, only to return 8 times over the course of 35 years. But they weren’t the only ones.
Bill and his two sons from Colorado made Talaheim their summer fishing destination for ten years. Georges has made the trip from France every summer for eight years, and now brings his grandson to do the heavy salmon lifting.
Our secret to such a strong following?
Well, it doesn’t hurt that we have helicopters and access to over 100 miles of remote fishing in our backyard. Or that we limit our clientele to 8 anglers per week, guaranteeing not only top-notch personal service, but waters that have not been over-fished.
But the real secret behind our Talaheim family success lies in the fact that we’re a business built on personalities. And every single one of us has a personality worthy of knowing.
We may all hail from different backgrounds, but every summer we unite in pursuit of the same goal: to share our home, our wealth of expertise and knowledge, and yes, even our sense of humor, in order to offer once in a lifetime fishing adventures.
And to top it all off, we still love what we do. In fact, if given the opportunity, we wouldn’t change a single damn thing.